Board Meeting, August 2, 2021

Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, August 2, 2021

10:00 a.m. Via Conference Call

All SBPOA Members are welcomed to attend regular board meetings, including those via conference call.

At 10 a.m. EST, dial 605-313-5573 and when prompted, enter the access code, including the pound sign: 438071#

Please contact Dawn Marano, SBPOA Secretary,

if you have any questions.

or 801-455-0268.

474 Hits

Correction, Board Meeting 7/12/21 Cancelled

Dear Neighbors,

Oops. The board meeting for July would have been on the 12th, not the 11th. It is still cancelled. And you are all very polite--no one sent a message addressing my calendaring "challenges." <smile>

Best wishes,


SBPOA Secretary

540 Hits

Board of Directors Meeting, 7/11/21 Cancelled

Dear Neighbors,

The regular Board of Directors meeting, which would have been moved to July 11, 2021, owing to the holiday weekend, is cancelled as there is no new or pending business.

The next regular monthly board meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, August 2, 2021.

Best wishes,

Dawn Marano

SBPOA Secretary

597 Hits