Board Agenda, 10/5/21, Now Available

Dear Neighbors,

The proposed agenda for the 10/5/21 Board Meeting is now available.

Click on “View Post” in this email message and then click on the link labeled as a “Microsoft Word” document in the post to view the agenda.

Best wishes,

Dawn Marano

SBPOA Secretary


Microsoft Word - 211005 REG BOARD AGENDA (

620 Hits

Board Meeting, October 5, 2021

Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

10:00 a.m. Via Conference Call

All SBPOA Members are welcomed to attend regular board meetings, including those via conference call.

At 10 a.m. EST, dial 605-313-5573 and when prompted, enter the access code, including the pound sign: 438071#

Please contact Dawn Marano, SBPOA Secretary,

if you have any questions.

or 801-455-0268.

477 Hits

Board Meeting 9/13/21 Cancelled, Next Meeting Tuesday, 10/5/21

Dear Neighbors,

The regular Board of Directors meeting, which would have been moved to September 13, 2021, owing to the holiday weekend, is cancelled as there is no new or pending business.

The next regular monthly board meeting is tentatively scheduled for 8:00 a.m. Florida time, October 5, which is a Tuesday, because of a scheduling conflict for the secretary on the morning of Monday, October 4.

Best wishes,

Dawn Marano

SBPOA Secretary

547 Hits